Her Name in the Game

AC Milan

On 27 April 2022, the Constitutional Court declared the rule that automatically assigns the father's surname as illegitimate, discriminatory, and harmful to the child's identity. As of 1 June 2022, by law, both parents must share the decision regarding the surname, as it is a fundamental element of personal identity. However, in 2024, many Italians are still largely unaware of this right. To raise awareness, during the weekend of May 12, coinciding with Mother's Day in Italy, the male and female players of AC Milan's First Teams took the field wearing their mother's surname on their jerseys, instead of the paternal one to which everyone is accustomed. This marked a first in Italy and also a first in international football, where such an initiative was used to shed light on such an important issue and to promote greater gender equality.

The initiative is financially sustainable – being cost-free – but more importantly, it leverages the most valuable assets of a football club like AC Milan (the matchday, the home stadium, the iconic red-and-black jersey and the First Teams' players) to promote positive change and raise awareness about important social issues such as the personal identity of children. For this reason, it aligns perfectly with the Club's sustainability strategy, particularly fitting into its commitment to equality and inclusion, as well as the values it has always stood for.