Client: Green Food Bank
China is responsible for a staggering 135 million tonnes of food waste annually, and we needed to get the public to stop their indifference to the issue. Delving into Chinese culture, we found inspiration in the deep respect held for departed ancestors and loved ones, leading to the concept of the world's first food funeral. The Food Funeral enabled us to mourn the unnecessary waste of food. An experiential and immersive experience, visitors walking through the funeral site see food items honoured with dignity and respect, evoking a new appreciation for the food we often take for granted and inspiring us never to waste again. The Green Food Bank experienced an influx of support, immediately receiving a staggering 105,500 kilograms of food from the public, which benefited 92,371 individuals in need – nearly 200% more than usual. Donations spectacularly doubled to 241,057kg by the following month and have consistently averaged 250,000kg. As of October 2024, we have saved over 1.2 million kg of food from being wasted and instead channelled them to people in need.