Alzheimer's Intelligence

Zeno Group

Client: Lenovo

Most of us think of Alzheimer’s as a slow, progressive, life-limiting disease that narrows human horizons, ending in a distressing death for sufferers and carers alike. Yet there are 55 million people* around the world living with some form of dementia today and 30 million new cases* diagnosed every year. Despite more people living with the disease than ever before, after initial diagnosis sufferers are often left to adapt and cope on their own, with little or no support**. Lenovo’s Alzheimer’s Intelligence explores the potential of AI to transform support for people living with dementia.

At the vanguard of AI powered campaigning, this genuine first harnessed Lenovo’s cutting-edge technology and pushed boundaries to created Liv, the world’s first AI powered helper designed to support people recently diagnosed with dementia. Liv offers advice and assurance based on real, first-hand experiences of 3,000 dementia patients. Capable of having unscripted, natural conversations whenever you need her, she delivers instant, personalised guidance informed by lived experience. A proof of concept like no other, Liv is currently being trialled by DEEP (UK Network of Dementia Voices) with the goal of making the service more publicly available in the future. Alzheimer’s Society UK is also planning to test Liv, through its network and with affiliated organisations in the healthcare community.