Allegra Airways

Edelman USA

Client: Sanofi

Research showed that the combination of pollen and pollution made allergies 3x worse. In response to the worsening air quality in North America -- and the increasing conversation around it due to wildfires and more, we introduced Allegra Airways.

The world’s first navigation tool designed to provide real-time running, biking, and walking routes with better air quality, powered by live pollen and air pollution data. We leveraged the insight that while there are areas with more pollen and air pollution, there are also pockets of cleaner air within localities. That's why our aim was to drive people to the tool and find cleaner air to breathe nationwide. The PR communication also helped Allegra stand out and get recognized for changing the game and going beyond the pill. While providing the relief it's well known for. To tell the story about the tool, and amplify our reach, we partnered with authentic voices including boy-band legend Lance Bass, a well-known outdoor enthusiast and allergy sufferer, and allergist Dr Kara Wada, who discussed the impact of pollution on pollen. To drive earned attention for our launch, we created a multi-pronged strategy across lifestyle, health and technology outlets, including People magazine, ABC news and USA Today. We announced the launch with experiences at SXSW, that not only helped people experience the tool, but also benefit from it. Pedicabs offered rides on routes with better air quality and EV-trucks shared directions to nearby hotspots with less pollen and pollution, driving adoption of the tool.